Megan Oliver - Scents of the Meadows
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Megan Oliver - Scents of the Meadows

Certified Consultant


My Story

My name is Megan Oliver and I am a wife a Mum to two boys and an Independent Scentsy Consultant.
I started buying Scentsy to help my friends. What began with buddies for my boys, quickly grew to warmers and wax - I was hooked!
I had been looking for something to make my house smell nice to try and hide the cat litter tray smell. I loved how safe Scentsy was - no flames and a low temperature to melt the wax. I wouldn't have to worry that my boys would burn themselves, or the house down. The fact it all smelled so good was an extra bonus!
I became an Independent Scentsy Consultant in July 2015, and quickly went on to earn several Scentsy awards. One of my awards I achieved was an award that less than 5% of consultants reach. The most amazing accolade for me however, was earning an all-expenses paid trip to Singapore, after only being a consultant for 6 months!
I love that Scentsy has given me the confidence to start my own business, meet lots of great new people and help others build their own business. All this whilst being able to contribute to the household and still being able to be there for my children.
Joining Scentsy honestly was one of the best decisions I have ever made. If this is something that interests you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

My Favourite Scents